Citizens Advisory Board
The Partnership was selected to serve as a key leader on the committee developed to investigate citizen contacts with law enforcement during traffic stops.
City of Cleveland Division of Police
The Partnership contributes many hours of service and expertise in the area of public safety, in particular, youth-related issues. The Partnership develops programs and strategies, and provides training and technical assistance to support best practices in a variety of criminal justice, juvenile justice and violence prevention services.
Day and Night Time Curfew Initiative
The City of Cleveland Department of Community Relations, Third District Police, Â YMCA Teen Court program, the Partnership and volunteers teamed up to operate a Night Time Curfew Initiative in the Broadway Neighborhood prior to the beginning of school. Flyers were distributed, staff educated neighborhood groups and gathered volunteers and special efforts were made to enforce the Night Time Curfew. The Partnership also served as a consultant to the neighborhood group, Glenville Safe Zone, in the planning and initiation of their Curfew Initiative.Â
Foster Care Task Force Review Committee
As part of the strategic planning process, the Partnership provided expertise and data to create recommendations to revise foster parent criteria. Recommendations included the increase in training hours for foster parents, and activities and rewards to show appreciation to foster parents. Because of foster parent trainings, the Partnership receives requests from foster parents for additional assistance with family issues, requests to speak at schools, churches, etc., and requests to replicate programs. The Partnership provides tickets to foster parents (to Cleveland Indians and Browns games) that were donated to our organization.
Juvenile Warrant Information System
The Partnership was the link between the County and the City of Cleveland to provide the ability for police to check on juvenile warrants by calling a police dispatcher directly. In the past, several calls had to be made to obtain information. The Partnership also received a grant that provided computers to the CPD to link their database with Juvenile Court.
The Partnership provides ongoing technical assistance regarding departmental training needs, including planning, participation and funding of conferences. A curriculum was developed and training is in progress that, upon completion, will educate juvenile probation officers to recognize the effects of violence exposure, understand mental and emotional development during adolescence, and provide them with up-to-date information on drugs, alcohol and gangs.
Truancy Committee
The director of the Partnership was appointed to serve as co-chair of the Diversion Truancy sub-committee of the Youth Services Coordinating Council. As a member of the YSCC, the director and staff bring knowledge and expertise to plan programs that provide comprehensive services to teens and families. Subcommittees: Truancy Prevention & Diversion, Co-Chair; Cross-Systems Youth Intervention Center.
Youth Diversion
Coordinate recommendations to Justice Affairs, Juvenile Court, & County Prosecutor on how to handle juvenile diversion, with emphasis on effective planning and programming.
Youth Intervention Center Committee
The Partnership has worked to forge a coalition to build a new youth detention center. In order to enhance the vision for the center, the Partnership arranged and paid for a fact-finding site visit to three youth intervention centers in Florida with staff from the City of Cleveland Division of Police, Juvenile Court, Cuyahoga County Administration, and Department of Justice Affairs attending.
Additional Services
The Partnership provides information on best practices, gang training, identification of youth who need services, referrals for both agency staff and/or clients of agency, and advocate for resources and funding, especially for juvenile court. Provide consultations, statistics, referrals, and information for agency proposal development.
The Partnership works with many diverse groups to prevent crime and youth violence in addition to intervening with those who are traveling down a dangerous path, encouraging them to make more positive decisions.