Standing Together Against Neighborhood Crime Every Day
Since 2006, the Partnership has managed STANCE, which aims to reduce violent crime and the calls made for police services by implementing an evidence-based approach to solving the problem. Linking law enforcement, outreach workers, prevention services, and reentry policies and programs into a logical sequence of actions, the STANCE program has proven to be effective, with data demonstrating sustained reductions in crime and violence in three of Cleveland’s highest crime neighborhoods over a three-year period; at the same time, crime remained high or increased in non-STANCE neighborhoods.

The Cleveland Peacemakers Alliance, a network of outreach organizations developed by TCF, includes: Amer-I-Can, Boys & Girls Clubs, City of Cleveland Community Relations Board, Community Reentry, Guardian Angels, Most Valuable Purpose, No Return, and Peace in the Hood.
Program Assessments
Through coordinated efforts, the Partnership will monitor, analyze and refine if necessary each element of the STANCE strategy that has been proven effective over the years.
The Partnership is partnering with federal, state and local government, community and grass roots organizations to leverage resources to assist in fighting both the cause and effects of crime and violence.